
Multimodal Optics Group

Multimodal Optics Group  


Left: Filmstrip [experimentally-measured] thermal diffraction patterns from light traveling through a plasmonic nanofluid. The sample is translated right, then left. [DOI:10.1364/OPTICA.2.000447]
Below: Computed plasmon-induced Lorentz forces (red arrows) associated with the in-plane magnetic fields (colormap) of chiral hybrid modes of a 100x1000-nm nanowire. The net force may pull, spin, or even push the nanowire to the side. [DOI:10.1364/OME.4.002355]


Our research currently resides at the intersection of optics, nonlinear dynamics, and data science.  Our investigations involve both experiments and computation. We analyze large data sets from multiple modes of measurements.
Of recent interest are liquids with multiple phases (metal-nanoparticle dispersions, conducting-polymer latices, and ionic liquids), and systems with "structure" (vorticial flows, light with angular momentum, chiral asymmetric modes, fractal images). 
What determines the growth or structure of a nanocomposite material? How can we predict and control the patterns and energy flows that emerge within? How do we infer physical and chemical phenomena from complex dynamics? 
The answers to these questions aid the design and development of next-generation light and heat-harvesting systems, optoelectronic materials, and adaptive imaging algorithms. 
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